Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Hot Turkey Diaries - Launch Day

In my last experiment, I dropped 42 bad habits cold turkey.  Now I’m picking up 21 new habits - hot turkey.  Every day for the month of February, I’ll be following the regime below.  We’ll see whether or not it gives me the physique of a Greek god.  I’m betting no.

If I fail, I’ll be sending $500 to Dr. Oz, another talk show host who clearly doesn’t need the money.  And someone who even I (the guy who ate monkey food for a week) find a bit too gimmicky. For those who are curious, Oprah still hasn't cashed my cheque.

An apple  
A bowl of oatmeal
8 servings of fruit and veg
8 glasses of water
An ounce of olive oil
A cup of green tea
An omega 3/6/9 supplement
One aspirin 81mg
A calcium supplement
A glass of red wine
At least one Super-food , e.g.
oily fish
ginkgo biloba
accai berry
flax seed
And a Flintstone vitamin

30 minutes cardio
100 pushups
100 crunches
5 minutes stretching
10 minutes of yoga or silent meditation
30 minutes of reading

Floss my teeth
Moisturise skin
Lather rinse repeat (I’ve never repeated before)

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